Career Profile
Team lead/Full Stack Developer
Over 20+ years’ experience with software development lifecycle
Expertise in cloud-based web applications and microservices
Problem solver, often collaborating across the enterprise to drive successful delivery and resolve production incidents
Proficient in leading and managing end-to-end projects utilizing Agile methodologies
Hands-on experience with 24⁄7 production support
Great communication and interpersonal skills
Managed a complete squad of software and quality assurance engineers with a focus on customer experience
Covered all aspects of team management from hiring and onboarding to performance reviews and compensation
Participated in analysis, design and implementation of new regulatory requirements
Provided knowledge transfer, individual mentoring and code review to members of multiple squads
Applied Agile methodologies for team management, supervised scrum meetings, managed Kanban board
Overlooked deployments and led investigations of production incidents across multiple teams
Implemented and maintained various microservices for a web client (Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, REST, Spring WebFlux, React, Rabbit MQ, WebSockets, Docker)
Created internal configuration application (Angular, PrimeNG, Spring Boot, DB2, Hibernate)
Converted multiple legacy applications to Spring Boot (Spring Boot, Java, MyBatis, DB2)
Designed and implemented various reports (Angular, PrimeNG, Spring MVC, DB2, MyBatis, JSP)
Implemented alert security widget (Angular 5, Spring boot, DB2)
Designed and implemented customer support form application to help with customer communication, document submission (Angular, Grails/Groovy, Gulp)
Wrote multiple tools and reports (Ext JS, Grails 3/Groovy, DB2, MyBatis)
Created Restful API for online rewards store (Grails/Groovy)
Designed and implemented Restful API for leaderboards (Grails/Groovy)
Designed and implemented a web client application for domain, host and contact management (Wicket framework, Spring, Java, JDBC, HTML)
Developed Searchable Whois web application (Spring MVC, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Elasticsearch)
Designed and developed pricing analysis tool for financial department (Java, SQL, JUnit)
Enhanced various existing testing frameworks (Scala, Robot Framework)
Redesigned existing web and server side applications to implement the requirements of new clients (Struts, Java, XML, SQL)
Practiced Test Driven Development with extensive JUnit test cases
Provided leadership to group of developers on deploying new registries
Managed small projects that required collaboration between various departments
Developed client-server application for parts management and order processing (Java, AWT, SWING, JDBC, NetBeans, MySQL)
Created reports for parts managers and physical inventory (Java, PDF, JDBC)
Developed bridge application for data transferring from internal system to an external company (Java, JDBC)
Maintenance and production support of client/server applications for parts, service, accounting and showroom (C/C++, Visual C++, Linux, Perl, Unix Shell script, ODBC)
Managed client databases, performed database upgrades, performance tuning, backed up data, looked after data consistency (Informix, Linux/Unix, SQL)
Developed Serial Client Bridge emulator to transfer data from/to TCP/IP to/from Serial Port (Power Builder)
Wrote program for distributed access finger print login UareU (C++)